Installation new one spray booth like our France customer! You will get surprise!
The paint booth is a facility of great importance within the body shop, since it allows the application and drying of paints and coatings in working and safety conditions that are healthy for the environment and for workers.
Isolates painting operations to prevent the workshop environment from being contaminated and affecting other areas and workers. It also prevents air currents or residues that circulate through the workshop (silicones, dust particles, etc.) from entering inside.
Permite reglarea și menținerea controlată a temperaturii, umidității și a fluxului de aer circulant în interiorul cabinei de pulverizare, pentru a optimiza procesul de vopsire și a permite rezultate de calitate superioară. Integreaza o iluminare puternica si uniforma care faciliteaza egalizarea culorii si aplicarea vopselelor.